Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Suki Sukar Melupakan Bekas Kekasih - Terlalu Mencintaimu:

Betul Ke Suki Sukar Melupakan Bekas Kekasihnya Dalam Single Lagu Terbaru Terlalu Mencintaimu?

lonely pavilion

5th day away from my “summer break” in tumblr

this is my view from the cave im hibernating now. cant tell you the exact location coz if not, people will flock the cave to see me float. (which is not a good thing) i have to keep this place as zen as possible. hahaha…

alright, limited wifi service here. gtg now. see you guys in 10 days time.

magic carpet, off to that pavilion!

Back in 1999 when I was attending college I had a friend named Bob*. We used to hang out with mutual friends; watch movies at the cinema; play pool etc. 

Then the Reformasi period happened - Anwar’s trial; PKR’s formation; preparation for election etc. I became an Opposition (PAS) supporter - then after its formation, a PKR member.

When Bob found out I supported Anwar, he immediately ended our friendship. Apparently he and his family hated Anwar with a passion. His brother even mimed sodomy with another guy in the college compound, saying ‘Look at me! I’m Anwar!’. 

Bob refused to speak to me. Whenever I said hello, even when bumping into him years later, I would just get a cold hard stare. 

Bob’s response is an example of hyper-partisanship.

In American politics its a phrase commonly used to describe partisan politics that focus on helping fellows and destroying the enemy, where the enemy is anyone who disagrees with your position.

In Malaysia I feel that its a form of extreme partisan thinking where not only are opinions, policies and events somehow linked to a political side, but anyone who disagrees is ‘placed’ into the opposing side. There’s less focus on helping fellows, and more focus on attacking the enemy.

When dealing with hyper-partisan people, there is no option to remain neutral, support an alternative view or support a balanced view. You either strongly support their view or you are their enemy. And sad to say, like Bob, they only socialise with people who agree with their political views. 

Why should friendship depend on, or be affected by, political affiliation? Its not like I personally wronged him. I wasn’t bothered by Bob supporting BN or hating Anwar, because until today I don’t see why it should affect me. But for some reason he saw it fit to cut ties with me.

I think deciding who to be friends with based solely on political views is just plain silly. A difference of opinion should not lead to such action.

I wonder if any of my friends today have this mentality.

*not his real name

Cr : Redstar Presents @ Facebook

Juvana Epi 9 - 20 Jun 2011

Daim : Tapi Pek, dekat Amerika dulukan…
Apek : Ehh apalah Amerika Amerika Amerika?
Daim : Dengar la dulu orang nak cter ni.
Apek : Haa, cter cter.
Daim : Dekat satu penjara ni nama dia Alcatraz. Ada sorang banduan ni tau, dia ni memang ganas.Dia bunuh sana, bunuh sini. Tapi lepas dia masuk jail, awak tau dia jadi apa? Tah macam mana tah, dia start bela burung.
Apek : *gelak sinis* Budak burung.

Joyce Wong of the Kinky Blue Fairy and Fashion Label Left Block Talks To Runway Passport Malaysia Editor, Eka Ng.

RP: What’s your one piece of advise for people who wants to start a blog?
JW: Do it because you genuinely want to for yourself. Not for someone
else. Write about things you love, things that inspire you, and try to
keep it positive.




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