What a great suggestion! Water provides resistance and is a challenge to work out in, yet won’t cause any stress on injuries like that.
Overview of common tropical diseases. http://bit.ly/cWipXo health
Got my team’s shirt today! We won last week, but unfortunately we lost today. I did however make some bad ass catches. It looked like it was gonna rain, then the sun came out, I was cooked in my under armor!
Forte by the way means strength or strong point and 22 is my birthday, 7/22; I’m gonna be 22 on the 22nd this year :p
Just incase you miss a tip, I have all of them right HERE and if you want to see some exercises I’ve found, check them out HERE. These links can be found on my blog’s main page.
If you have any comments, questions, or anything to say, message me on my main blog: Clicky Here (since this blog is attached to my main blog, I guess I don’t have my own ask box for this blog..but whatever :P But if I’m wrong, please tell me ^.^ Not the most tumblr-savvy person here)
Anyway, I’ll be posting more tips and ticks randomly or whenever I feel like it :P I hope my found advice comes in handy for you guys!
10% off Radiant Beach – virgin coconut oil hair mask, restore hair and scalp health, JUST TODAY - www.ca-sunshine.com
I’m beginning to think becoming pregnant is something I need to put a few notches down on my list of important things.
I think working on my health, aka weight, and working to be a better wife to Hubby is just above that.
I feel that this may be a beginning to believing a baby will come when the time is right. I have plenty of time left. I’m only 25…Plenty of people have children in their 30’s and even into their 40’s. Do I want it to happen sooner, rather than later? Yes, of course, but maybe this is God’s way of telling me the time is not right yet.
I’ve been trying to say the Serenity Prayer daily and put God into my life more, too.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
And they never work out and have the worst diets ever.
Half of these girls don’t eat and the ones that do recommend fruit and water and shit like toast or cookies like once a day.
It’s really sad that people look up to girls who look beautiful rather than feel beautiful.
Shin splints can be a muscular or skeletal injury. If it’s a muscular injury, RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) as well as taking anti-inflammatory drugs. I posted an answer to a related question about stress fractures pretty recently if you’d care to look for more detail. But basically, you want to take it easy and do low impact exercise, get proper foot gear, and get enough calcium and vitamin D into your diet.
Get well soon!
Well, hello all. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Well, this not-going-on-the-internet-when-I’m-bored thing has gotten me in loads of trouble. And by trouble, I mean my house is filled with all kinds of “crafts”, not only the physical ones, but the pagan ones. I’m trying to lead a healthier lifestyle now, by not only eating right and doing yoga, but learning and experiencing more spiritually as well. I plan on living a pretty positive life, and also a more eco-friendly one (I LOVE to tell about my new organic cotton shirt and my recycled polyester purse, but I’m not a snob, I swear! :D). Literally, my bedroom floor is littered with pagan books, and my BoS is filled with new goodies! I’m actually sitting right now on my meditation pillow surrounded by marked up books and pieces of parchment artwork and lists, haha. I’ve decided that I might share with you my ideas of having a better lifestyle, and maybe some you can use as well. :D
- Read at least one book every day.
- Meditate daily, either when you get up, before you go to bed, or any time you deem fit.
- Eat healthy foods in appropriate portions. You might want to have more of, say, a protein than fatty foods at your dinner plate. My own plan for meals is to eat six meals a day. Three (the usual breakfast, lunch, and dinner) are going to be bigger, while the other three are going to be more snack-like. Also, I’d want to eat around the same times every day, so that my stomach is more trained to eat then, rather than when I’m bored.
- Take walks (when weather permits) at least three times a week, or more if you so desire. In our pagan ways, stop sometimes to appreciate a flower, or pick up a stone for your altar. Always remember to ask permission if taking something living. (You might want to carry a small basket, if you’re like me and find MANY things you like :D)
- Don’t watch as much television and don’t go on the internet too much. It is known that we passively watch television, and automatically go into the “alpha” state of our minds. This means that while normal alpha is good, the alpha you get when you watch the telly makes your mind bored, and will make you want to eat more out of boredom than real hunger. Also, we aren’t really doing anything productive, unless we take out a project to do while watching.
- Learn to crochet (or knit, but knitting’s harder, I think). Crochet not only sweaters, but make little toys for your pets. Make little sachets for your herbs, as this adds a LOT of your own power to them. You can also crochet hemp twine, and I’ve had some cool projects with that (a little belt for myself that I painted lightly).
- Turn your arts n’ crafts bug into something pagan. This is a wonderful way to help with your magic! I’ve made wands, homemade clay “tokens”, and even a besom this way! Be inspired by your religion! I’ve also had very good luck with a raven feather I found when I was 12 that I turned into a quill. You can even make herbal inks for it (I’ll include a little guide after this post), and buy some acid-free parchment paper. My cat Luke absolutely loves to be drawn, as I have found out while experimenting with inks, as he constantly purrs and sits still when I do it! :D
- Cook at least one meal (or snack) every day. No, you don’t have to be a world-known chef to do this. Make every day a learning experience! Experiment with new recipes, and familiarize yourself with old ones. Go get ‘em, Kitchen Witch! :D
- Make sure you learn something new every day. This doesn’t have to be a whole lesson in algebra; it can be as small or as big as you like. Maybe you would like to learn about parks near you that you can visit, or where a half-hour walk will take you in your neighborhood. It can be magical, as in how to mix herbs, or it can be mundane, as in how to properly work your lawn mower. Just make sure you DO something!
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