Saturday, June 18, 2011


Current - Day 22 - weight 194 lbs

Day 15 - weight 195 lbs

Day 1 - weight 198 lbs

The Goal - Day 45 - most likely 189 lbs

Day 22 Progress

Here’s my progress so far!  Ive noticed steady improvement since Day 1 and am really starting to see how close I am to my ultimate goal.  This 45 day jumpstart has been great so far, but it only motivates me to keep it going for the rest of my life.  I have finally found a lifestyle that has created immediate results but with long term health as the ultimate goal.  My energy levels are high and constant.  My motivation, strength, and stamina feel as good as they have ever been. 

The “discipline” to keep it up is almost non-existent.  I work out in the morning because it makes me feel better all day.  I eat healthy to fuel my energy and mood.  I almost never have cravings for foods outside of what Im supposed to eat.  If I cheat, its easy to forget about and get right back on track.  Its amazing whats possible when you narrow down your diet and exercise program to the few things that are truly important and beneficial. 

“mHealth: New horizons for health through mobile technologies - Mobile phones are now the most widely used communication technology in the world.

They continue to spread at an exponential rate - particularly in developing countries. This expansion provides unprecedented opportunities to apply mobile technology for health.

How are mobile devices being used for health around the world? What diverse scenarios can mHealth be applied in and how effective are these approaches? What are the most important obstacles that countries face in implementing mHealth solutions? This publication includes a series of detailed case studies highlighting best practices in mHealth in different settings.” - The World Health Organization’s new report on the impact of mobile technology on healthcare in the developing world.

(via Putting People First)

Topiramate, better known by Topamax, is a prescription medication used mainly to help with epileptic seizures and migraine headaches.  Topamax gained approval for sale on the US Markets ins 1998, since then it has been a immensely popular drug.  One of the main reasons why Topamax has become so popular is that it works by attempting to avoid the seizures and headaches before they happen rather than simply just relieving the pain the symptoms cause.  Topamax is able to do this by keeping both the chemicals that excite the nervous system under control for migraines and not allowing the nerve cells in the brain to get excited for seizures. 

Topamax, like many other prescription drugs, does have its own side effects, these side effects are predominate mainly with pregnant women. Topamax has been known to cause several types of birth defects to unborn children.  One of the most common defects are cleft lips and palates, which are gaps due to the non-fusion of the particular body parts pre-birth.   The increase of the number birth defects linked to Topamax has caused the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require the makers of the drug to revise warning labels to include possible effects on pregnant women.   The Advisory, dated March 3, 2011, has already by complied to by the makers of Topamax.

For many, however, these updates have already come too late.  Studies shows that the frequency of cleft palate/lip birth defects caused by mothers who have taken Topamax during pregnancy has risen in the recent years.   Also shown in these studies is that babies of mothers still in their first trimester of pregnancy are the most vulnerable to these side effects.   Though these birth defects are treatable, the multiple surgeries required are both costly and painful to the child. 

If you believe that your child was born with a cleft palate or lip due to your Topamax in take during pregnancy then you should get the compensation that you deserve.  Though it may be difficult to gain this compensation a good Topamax Lawyer should give you the information and consultation you need to move forward. 

Yin Yoga for the Neck“I love myself for registering for the Long Beach Marathon. I’ll love myself even more when I finish it. I’ll savor every minute of training!”

- yours truly

So I got about 2.5 hours of sleep. Ugh. I am running on adrenaline and a homemade latte. Just finished cardio and stretching at the gym. I will need to nap, but hope to keep it on the short side.

Since I was up a lot last night, I thought about other things I could do that is being nice to myself and I realized I could pay more attention to my appearance. Because when I think I look good, I feel better about myself as a result?

Also this would help me declutter. You see, I have a ton of beauty samples. I’m on my 9th month as a member of; they send me 4-5 (sometimes more) deluxe-sized (sometimes full size) make-up, skincare, and haircare samples. I pay $10 per month or sometimes use my loyalty points toward my membership as well. While the value of the items more than pays me back, I should use it all, right? Well, I do use everything. But I could use them more often and not just on special occasions. I deserve to look and feel Bice every day. Now where is that eye cream and concealer? I need it pronto.

American Diabetes Association’s Guidelines Are Killing Diabetics!: Normal, balanced metabolisms...

that was made with CHICKPEAS. (plus peanut butter, vanilla, flax seed, & dark chocolate.)

the verdict? They are amazing. Seriously. Rich & buttery but with no butter or egg.

Plus, gluten-free and dairy-free to boot. Definitely a great way to satisfy a sweet tooth, as they are full of omega-3’s and other healthy fat + protein. They’re still sugary, so not something to mindlessly munch on. But still. Damn good. Even husband likes ‘em.

WIN for the crazy baker in me.


Inspiration to start thinking about what I’m ingesting because as I get older I have to take even better care of my body.


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