And the saddest memory of that time, as I have one tooth was ill and I was sent to the dental clinic, where I had to snatch it. I had four doctors and a fifth with forceps, seriously . I remember, and I broke away and then come have some stronger man ... then I'm up to 20 years did not go to the dentist at all.
Every summer, I went to a village in Tver, spent time with grandparents. I have been bitten by dogs. I also milked, milked as well .. I was young .. helped, at my own strength. I went mushroom-picking in the past. Now, unfortunately, I haven’t time for mushroom-picking. But fishing - not for me, I do not understand fun in waiting ...
School years.
My dad took me on the SDUSHOR " Smena ", then I was 7 years old. I was living on Vasilevsky Island, and the second class began to go through the whole city is in the " Smena ".
We went played abroad then I was10 years old, it was unforgettable. We won ... ... a lot of impressions. We traveled during the month. I remember the temple ... can not remember exactly city’s name, may be Florence or Torino, there is a lot of steps, more than 300 to the upper observation deck ... it seems like we have in St. Isaac's. And there we gave a lot of things, I came with one bag, and went almost seven.
When my mother for the first time sent me to the camp to the south, after the first grade. The first time I was flying on a plane, for me it was very interesting and amusing. I spent three months in a camp in Evpatoria. And then, every summer I went to training camps with the team. It was better.
I was 10 years old, then my parents divorced, and I lived without a father, but my mother never hindered our communication. Despite the fact that I often came to him, that he lived in another place, I was certainly frustrated. My mother said that their relationship - is one thing, and the relations between father and his son - is quite another. The grandmother of my father's line helped us, I really love her. She is a very wise woman, and her word is very valuable for me.

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